VIDEO/REEL Contest Rules
Deadline to receive all entries:
January 30, 2025 at 11:59 PM
Palm Beach County Behavioral Health Coalition (PBCBHC) shall have the right to sell, duplicate, reproduce or use such rights transferred as PBCBHC desires. This agreement is given with free knowledge of the rights transferred to the Palm Beach County Behavioral Health Coalition. This agreement is made without restrictions or time limits without additional compensation besides scholarships and gift cards issued to winners. No entries will be returned.

All Palm Beach County K-12 students may enter, including those in home school, charter, and private schools.
Help other students continue to make healthy choices.
Earn five (5) hours of community service for each entry and help youth make healthy choices. Maximum 3 entries.
$500 Scholarship by Michael Joseph Brink Foundation
$250 and $150 Scholarship by Coral Shores Behavioral Health
Winners’ videos will be shown on local media and social media
Upload video and submit entry form and form 1941* to
We will need permission or access to view your file.
*All Palm Beach County School District students must complete and attach Form 1941 to their entry.
Grab your camera, recruit your friends, and create a video or reel.
Film in portrait mode.
Reel/video limit 15-30 seconds
Use one of the themes: The Power of Choice- Alcohol Free or The Power of Choice- Vape Free or create an original positive prevention message video or reel aimed at sharing why more teens choose to be alcohol free and vape free and live a healthy life

Video/Reel Contest Basics
Do's and Don'ts

Use the theme (The Power of Choice - Alcohol Free or The Power of Choice - Vape Free) OR use your original theme with a positive prevention message.
Work independently or with a group on the development of your own video concept.
Record your entry video with minimal help or direction from others.
Create a video with a positive message of why someone should stay alcohol free or vape free and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
Include one fact (verbally or typed) about how vaping or alcohol affects youth.
Cite your fact. See Facts.
Entry videos may contain music that was created by you or by someone who has given you written permission to use their music. Participant(s) must be certain that the person giving permission to use their music owns the rights to that music.
Keep the images and messages positive.
Share your message in English, Spanish, or Haitian Creole.
Scary pictures or messages (i.e., car crashes, grim reapers, tombstones, etc.).
Copyright protected material (i.e., Sponge Bob, Batman, etc.).
Copy someone's ideas. Please do not use AI.
Brand name products, trademarks, or logos (i.e., Snickers, Doritos, Coke, etc.).
Any violent, dangerous, or illegal behavior in creating an entry video.
Pictures of vaping products or alcohol in your video.
Use “Don’t,” instead tell them what you want them to do.